Spirits II compilation, Crosstown Rebels unveil details of the launch parties.
Following the sensational success of last year’s first Spirits compilation, Damian Lazarus’ Crosstown imprint recently revealed the imminent release of volume 2. To celebrate this, Lazarus has curated two parties that will take place in Berlin and Warsaw and will feature artists from the compilation.
Friday 23rd November. Watergate, Berlin
Damian Lazarus / Jonas Rathsman / Yulia Niko / Brina Knauss / Bartolomeo / Floyd Levine
For tickets head here
Saturday 24th November. Smolna, Warsaw
Damian Lazarus / Yulia Niko / Bartolomeo / LEON
For tickets head here
BartolomeoBrina KnaussCrosstown RebelsDamian LazarusFloyd LevineJonas RathsmanLeonYulia Niko
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Track | 25.02.2025