12 Stories - Night Obscure EP hero

12 Stories

- Night Obscure EP

Hot Creations | 23.10.2015

dummy image12 Stories - Night Obscure EP cover

Mark Jenkyns and Christopher Sylvester have joined forces as 12 Stories to release the heavy duty ‘Night Obscure EP’ on Hot Creations. The EP features two original and unique no nonsense club weapons plus an equally solid remix from Bunte Bummler.

‘These tracks made for havin’ it to! Big, bold, brash sounds made to make you pull that weird half gurn, half slapped face when that familiar analog bass sound smacks you in the chops!! The kinda music your mum wouldn’t understand but she’s just happy you’re having a good time and not hanging around on street corners drinking 20/20.’ – Christopher Sylvester

On the A-side, the acid induced ‘Showtime’ uses a sample from a ghetto fight to aptly fit the name of the track. After spending a lot of time in the studio and using numerous bits of Roland gear, the second track ‘Night Obscure’ finally came together when Mark’s neighbour spontaneously sang a French poem for the the vocals. No stranger in the Hot Creations camp Bunte Bummler uses the vocals to full effect over deep chugging percussions, while keeping hold of the sonic energy that flows through the EP.

dummy image12 Stories - Night Obscure EP cover


  • 12 Stories - Showtime
  • 12 Stories - Night Obscure
  • 12 Stories - Night Obscure (Bunte Bummler Remix)


12 StoriesChristopher SylvesterHot CreationsInxecMark Jenkyns

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