Spencer Parker
- No More Silly Club Songs Vol.2
Rekids | 19.02.2016

Spencer Parker returns to Radio Slave’s Rekids imprint for two stripped back cuts in the second instalment of ‘No More Silly Club Songs’ this February.
The Work Them Records founder and Rekids regular dropped the first four track package last summer, which was a series of tools produced with Parker’s own DJ sets in mind. Vol.2 initiates with robust kicks and shuffling hats in ‘Silly Club Song No.5’ whilst charismatic chords operate amongst drum rolls and a vocal crying out ‘dance’. On the other hand, ‘No.6’ follows a similar muscular aesthetic yet incorporates a ‘Reese’ inspired bassline as percussive elements rattle throughout.
- FB: facebook.com/spencerparkermusic
- Twitter: twitter.com/spencer_parker
- Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/spencerparker
- Beatport: beatport.com/spencer-parker

- Spencer Parker - Silly Club Song No.5
- Spencer Parker - Silly Club Song No.6
RekidsSpencer ParkerThe Work Them Records
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