Chemical Surf
- Disko Nites EP
Kassette Rercords | 01.10.2014
Kassette Records is hotting up with there next release with Berlin’s Chemical Surf with ‘Disko Nites’. With releases on Kittbal and Erase Records. There next cut is most defiantly their finest work.
Funky disco groove flow through out the EP with a hot bonus remix from Jack Priest (Cajual Records) teaming up with his friend Conscious to produce a groovy and housy old school remix of the title track ‘Disko Nites’
- FB:
- Soundcloud:
- Beatport:
- Chemical Surf - Disko Nites
- Chemical Surf - Disko Nites (Conscious & Priest ?88 Dub)
- Chemical Surf & Gorkiz - A Giant In A Warehouse (Original Mix)
- Chemical Surf - 78 (Original Mix)
Chemical SurfKassette Rercords