- Rebellion EP
eMBi Limited | 01.06.2017

Neverdogs, who regularly feature as part of Carola’s Music On family, are set to release the next 200 copy vinyl release on eMBI Limited titled Brain Rebellion.
Brain Rebellion features four original tracks, which includes two super remixes from Franz Costa, Fortyseven and the Frankfurt’s Drag&Drop.
We expect to hear great things over the summer month’s from Neverdogs, and this is just a little taster into what the boys have in store.

- Neverdogs - Brain Rebellion
- Neverdogs - Brain Rebellion (Franz Costa & Fortyseven Rmx)
- Neverdogs - Now I See
- Neverdogs - Now I See (Drag & Drop Remix)
Drag & DropFortysevenFranz CostaNeverdogs