Sidney Charles
- Black Sun
Truesoul | 04.01.2016

Sidney Charles is back on Truesoul with 3 outstanding club tracks. Perfectly crafted to keep the dance floor moving, each track gleams with energy. Incorporating tough rolling drums as the back bone to each track, the melodic ‘Black Sun’, the vocal hooks of ‘I Need You’ and the eerie synth of ‘Just Don’t Stop’ pull together to make an essential 3 tracker.
- FB: facebook.com/SidneyCharlesMusic
- Twitter: twitter.com/SidneyCharlesM
- Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/hurricane-kid
- Beatport: beatport.com/artist/sidney-charles

- Sidney Charles - I Need You
- Sidney Charles - Black Sun
- Sidney Charles - Just Don't Stop
Adam BeyerSidney CharlesTruesoul