M.F.S: Observatory
- Observatory R
Observatory Music | 29.10.2018

M.F.S: Observatory return with ‘Observatory R’ of their letter series this October, featuring five original froms the Italian artists.
‘R1’ leads with emotive piano chords, twinkling melodies and a stab driven bass lead alongside organic drums and a low-pitched vocal hook. ‘R2’ then lays focus on bumpy drums, a wandering bass line and an amalgamation of processed vocal chants. ‘R3’ is up next, this time round employing crunchy distorted drums, a squelchy resonant synth sequence and stuttering vocal chops.
‘R4’ contrasts next taking things deeper with ethereal pads, heavily swung percussion and their signature looped and chopped vocal additions. ‘R5’ then closes the package with a wandering arpeggio lead, sporadic 303 licks and murky vocal textures driving the composition.
- FB: facebook.com/mfsobservatory
- Twitter: twitter.com/mfsobservatory
- Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/
- Beatport: beatport.com/artist/m-f-s-observatory

- M.F.S: Observatory - R1
- M.F.S: Observatory - R2
- M.F.S: Observatory - R3
- M.F.S: Observatory - R4
- M.F.S: Observatory - R5